Forum facilitators, who are preparing for an April resumption of meetings in a virtual Webex format, held a dry run March 2 with a small audience. Presenter was Forum regular Winston Robinson. Material about the new virtual format is here. Contents of that page will change regularly as the group gains experience.
Upcoming Events
March 2: Public meeting (virtual) on LYNX Silver Line route staff recommendations, 5:30 p.m. on YouTube. Topic: Focus Area 6: Union County Extension. To join via phone dial: +1 301-715-8592. Webinar ID: 847 2729 6111. Survey to register support or concerns is here.
March 4: State of the County address by Commissioners Chairman George Dunlap, 10 a.m. Watchable on Cable 16 and online from listing here.
March 4: Dem Good Time South Charlotte, 6 p.m. Zoom meeting with Board of Elections Director Michael Dickerson. Register here. Send questions in advance to Mary Klenz.
March 9: Union County Democrats’ “Coming to Grips with NC’s History on Race in the interest of Sustaining a Free Democracy,” 2:30 p.m. via Zoom link here.
March 10: Urban League virtual annual meeting, 6:30 p.m.
March 11: “Pandemics and Partnerships: How Public and Private Sector Engagement can propel a COVID Recovery,” virtual panel discussion, noon, part of 4th annual HBCU STEAM Day of Action. Register here.
March 26: Virtual Legislative Breakfast by Mental Health America of Central Carolinas, free, 7:30 a.m. Register here.
April 29-May 1: “Ensuring Educational Equity and Cultural Competency…”, a Southeast regional virtual conference of the Alliance of Black School Educators. A girls group is to be added for this conference.
News & Handouts
Natasha Marcus 2-26
CharMeck Chronicle 3-1
NC Dept. of Health & Human Services 2-26
Obama Foundation 2-28
Sol Nation 2-26
Urban League 2-26