Tiffany Fant announced a soon-to-launch mentoring program, Rise Charlotte (Reach, Invest, Support, Empower) targeting youth grade 6 through career entry, with students at Hidden Valley, Garinger and Vance schools.
Nakisa Glover announced she is forming her own Girls Who Code club that will meet at The Nest in Camp North End, 1824 Statesville Ave. Info by e-mail.
Upcoming events
June 6: First Friday (rescheduled from June 1) at Mosaic Village, 1635 W. Trade St.
June 7: Greater Charlotte Alliance of Black School Educators meets with CMS Supt. Clayton Wilcox, 6 p.m., West Charlotte High, 2219 Senior Dr.
June 7: Sculptor Marion Wilson at the McColl Center, 5:30 p.m., free.
June 7: League of Women Voters.
June 13: Democratic Women of Mecklenburg County.
June 16: Blackberry Brunch, 11 a.m.
June 16: Juneteenth celebration, 10-7, place to be announced.
June 18: Marketing tips for nonprofits.
June 26-27: Aviation Camps of the Carolinas, flier.
Aug. 9: Paint the Town Blue Gala, 5:30 p.m.
Sept. 8: Sickle Cell Run/Walk.
Sept 25: UNCC Personally Speaking series: David Goldfield.
Nov 1: UNCC Personally Speaking series: Mary Layton Atkinson.
News & Handouts
Joyce Waddell One Two Three Four Five.
CharMeck Chronicle.
Council of Elders grant.
Goodwill Job Skills Training Center update.
Mayor’s Mentoring Alliance survey on what trainings area agencies would be interested in.
Mecklenburg Co. Board Bulletin.