Elloree Erwin sent in this update about her sister Sarah Stevenson: “Sarah is doing well. She had a home visit two Sundays ago. It was for four hours. Her son kept the visit for immediate family. We’ll advise when this is possible for others to visit her at her home on St. Paul Street. We are doing some visits at the facility and some of you have had a chance to visit her. She’s always happy to see her friends. Continue to keep her in your prayers.”
Helen Hope Kimbrough sent in an announcement that the Charlotte Area Fund is conducting a survey in connection with a community needs assessment. Survey, to be completed by June 30, is here. List of thank-you’s available to participants and other details are here.
Upcoming Events
June 23: Supportive Housing Communities Virtual Night In fundraiser, 7 p.m. Details here. To sponsor or donate, e-mail Robin Hancock.
June 24: Open Tables with MeckMin, 6-7:30 p.m, theme: Forgiveness. Register here.
June 24: Celebration of the life of Darryl R. Gaston, who died Feb. 19, 6-7:30 p.m., Camp North End in the Boiler Yard, 1824 Statesville Ave. “This will be a party. It would have been Darryl’s 60th birthday. Be ready to have fun.”
June 28: Expungement information session, 6-8 p.m., Plaza Road Academy, 1000 Anderson St.
June 30: Applicant information session for those who might seek one-year grant awards averaging $25,000 from Unite Charlotte, 11 a.m. Register here. Details here.
July 13: “Shopping for Tickets (Applying and interviewing)”, 3-4:30 p.m., free, for youth 16-24, a CM library “virtual career cruise.” Register here. Flier here.
Aug. 3: “Learning the Native Language and Customs (Soft Skills)”, 3-4:30 p.m., free, for youth 16-24, a CM library “virtual career cruise.” Register here. Flier here.
Sept. 8: Democratic Women of Mecklenburg Annual “Paint the Town Blue” fundraiser.
News & Handouts
Mecklenburg Board Bulletin 6-21
NC Dept. of Health & Human Services 6-18
Urban League 6-21