Matt Newton announced two scholarships for high school students to the Aviation Institute of Maintenance he said was opening on Independence Boulevard near Margaret Wallace Rd. On Facebook.
Upcoming events
June 16: Blackberry Brunch, Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, 11 a.m.
June 16: Juneteenth celebration, 2:30 p.m., St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church.
June 18: Marketing tips for nonprofits.
June 16: Teen Talk.
June 19: Juneteenth @ The Levine Museum.
June 20: Carolina ConnectHomeUSA Summit, Queens. Register here.
June 25-25: Multicultural Play Therapy Center Conference, UNCC.
June 26-27: Aviation Camps of the Carolinas, flier.
June 30: Teen Talk.
July 4: Hickory Grove Fourth of July Parade, from Hickory Grove Rec Center, 10:30 a.m. On Facebook.
July 14: Teen Talk.
July 28: Teen Talk.
Aug. 9: Paint the Town Blue Gala, 5:30 p.m.
Aug. 11: Teen Talk.
Aug. 25: Teen Talk.
Sept. 8: Sickle Cell Run/Walk.
Sept 25: UNCC Personally Speaking series: David Goldfield.
Nov 1: UNCC Personally Speaking series: Mary Layton Atkinson.
News & Handouts
Joyce Waddell
Mecklenburg Board Bulletin.
Profound Gentlemen newsletter.