Housing & Neighborhood Services seeks bids, due by 2 p.m. on Feb. 15, for participation in City of Charlotte Out of School Time programs. Details and links here. A pre-proposal virtual conference will be held Wednesday, Jan. 27, at 10 a.m.; WebEx link here. Password is in RFP here. Notice of the RFP is here.
Larken Egleston, City Council incumbent representing District 1, announced he would file for election to the at-large Council seat vacated by James Mitchell. Details.
Upcoming Events
Jan. 28: “Mobilizing and Organizing in Our Communities,” a virtual town hall forum, 6:30-8:30 p.m.. Sponsored by the North Carolina Alliance of Black School Educators and Zaner-Bloser Publishing Co. Tickets $25 here.
Feb. 2: “Comprehension: Understanding connected text – the ultimate goal of reading,” part of a series the science of reading, 4 p.m. virtual webinar. Sponsored by the North Carolina Alliance of Black School Educators and Zaner-Bloser Publishing Co. Register here.
April 29-May 1: “Ensuring Educational Equity and Cultural Competency…”, a Southeast regional virtual conference of the Alliance of Black School Educators. A girls group to be added for this conference.
News & Handouts
Larken Egleston 1-25
Cynthia Wallace 1-20
Knight Foundation 1-24
Mecklenburg Board Bulletin 1-25
NC Dept. of Health & Human Services 1-22
Read Charlotte 1-22