The Forum did not meet on Tuesday, Jan. 2. The Forum next meets Jan. 9. These announcements were mailed in through 6 p.m. Jan. 4:
Betty Howell Gray sent in a save-the-date for the Feb. 15-16 North Carolina NABSE State MBK Leadership Conference at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, 3400 Beatties Ford Rd. Tickets $10-$110 here. NABSE brochure here. Details here.
Blanche Penn sent in an announcement of a Voice of the People meeting Saturday, Jan. 6 at 10 a.m. at New Heaven Community Church, 8823 Albemarle Rd. Details here.
Rashaan Peek sent in an announcement of a MeckEd professional development opportunity Wednesday, Jan. 17 from 9-11 a.m. at Grier Heights Community Center, 3100 Leroy St. Details here. Tickets $27 here.
Alma Adams sent in a save-the-date for her State of the District presentation on Thursday, Jan. 25 at 6 p.m. at UNCC Center City, 320 E. 9th St.
DonnaMarie Woodson sent in the January Char-Meck Chronicle.
Joyce Waddell sent in a description of new limits on opiod prescriptions in North Carolina effective Jan. 1.
Jade Jackson sent in a flier for an 89th birthday celebration for the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Sunday, Jan. 14 at 4 p.m. at Statesville Avenue Presbyterian Church, 3435 Nevin Rd. More details here.