Next week: Departing Johnson C. Smith University President Ron Carter.
City Council unanimously named Dimple Ajmera Tuesday night to fill the District 5 unexpired term of new N.C. Rep. John Autry. Observer story here. Material sent to the Forum by the candidates is here. Four of the six candidates for the appointment are regular attendees of the Forum.
Larken Egleston announced that the Young Democrats and Young Republicans of Mecklenburg have scheduled a joint Adopt-A-Street cleanup on Matheson Avenue on Saturday, Jan. 28 from 10 a.m.-noon from CVS, 2939 The Plaza. Details on Facebook.
Walter Spruill announced that Charlotte NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) meets Saturday, Jan. 21 from 1-3 p.m. at 200 E. 36th St. Info here.
Gwen Terry announced a health, fitness and nutrition expo on Saturday, April 22 at the Park Expo & Conference Center, 800 Briar Creek Rd. More info here.
Roderick Terry announced that Charlotte Metropolitan Black Pages would publish in print, online and app formats this year. Details here.
Garcia Nelson announced a winter wear giveaway on Saturday, Jan. 28 at the light rail line Transit Center station from 2-5 p.m.
Levester Flowers announced that the Democratic Party’s African American Caucus will meet on Thursday, Jan. 19 at 6 p.m. at 5700 Executive Center Dr.
Blanche Penn announced that the Silver Fox cheerleading squad had obtained a new home at Johnson C. Smith University.
Maurice Jones announced that the free Work and Learn Program is for young people 16-24 interested in increasing their employability and marketability. Orientation sessions are every Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. at CPCC’s Education Center, Room 106, 142 E. 4th St. Details here.
Carlenia Ivory suggested that young people plan how to initiate a quarterly lunch at which the “seasoned” and the young who differ on public policy would get together to talk.
Christopher Dennis announced that Carlton Harvey was new president and Winston Robinson vice president of the Lockwood Home Owners’ Association.
Nakisa Glover left an announcement of Repurposed, a fashion show and auction benefitting Sustain Charlotte, Pop Up Produce and Hip Hop Caucus, on Saturday, Feb. 11, from 5-7 p.m. at LaCa Projects, 1429 Bryant St. Details and $20 tickets here. Website here.
Dena Diorio sent in her Jan. 17 Board Bulletin.
Patricia Albritton sent in an announcement of a screening of the documentary “13th” on Thursday, Jan. 19 from 6-9 p.m. at the Belmont Community Center, 700 Parkwood Ave.
Greg Phipps sent in an announcement of a Project PIECE meeting Thursday, Jan. 18 at 6 p.m. at IKEA Community Room, 8300 IKEA Blvd. Details here.
Mary Klenz sent in an announcement of a screening of “Care,” a documentary on care for aging Americans, on Friday, Jan. 20 at 6 p.m. at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, 3400 Beatties Ford Rd. Trailer here. Info and register for dinner here.
Lucy Bush Carter sent in an announcement that City Council member Julie Eiselt would host CMPD Chief Kerr Putney and District Attorney Andrew Murray to discuss “Crime and the Criminal Justice System in Charlotte” on Thursday, Jan. 19 at Myers Park Presbyterian Church, 2501 Oxford Pl. Flier here.
Helen Kimbrough sent in an appeal for reading partner volunteers. Details here.
Shawn Greeson sent in an announcement of an American Indian Party clothing drive from Feb. 1-15. Details here. More info here.
Reneé Johnson sent in an announcement that Triumph Services has launched a support group “Loved Ones of Brain Injury Survivors.” Details here.
April Barnes sent in an announcement that Unite Charlotte is accepting proposals for $500-$25,000 grants that would support ”programs and organizations focused on community healing, rebuilding trust, and creating opportunities in Mecklenburg County.” Information sessions are 6 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 23 at Camino Community Center, 133 Stetson Dr.; and Wednesday, Jan. 26 at Amay James Family Resource Center, 2425 Lester St.
Lisa Santiago sent in an announcement that Male Empowerment Networks (MEN) will meet Tuesday, Jan. 17 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at 1420 Beatties Ford Rd. Details and registration here.