Quanisha Collins announced U.S. Rep. Alma Adams’ State of the District presentation on Thursday, Jan. 25 at 6 p.m. at UNCC Center City, 320 E. 9th St. Flier here. RSVP here.
Ceretha Sherrill announced a parent-run Westside Education Think Tank forum on Saturday, Jan. 20 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at Movement School, 2701 Freedom Dr. Flier here.
Brenda Robinson announced that Aviation Camps of the Carolinas will hold a three-hour aviation career camp and fundraiser for adults on April 2 at the Carolina Aviation Museum. Participation will require TSA clearance. Details to follow.
LaWana Mayfield announced the Mayor’s Mentoring Alliance awards gala on Thursday, Jan. 18 from 6-8 p.m. at the Mint Museum Uptown, 500 S. Tryon St. RSVP here. Details here.
LaWana Mayfield announced the Women’s March in Charlotte, beginning Saturday, Jan. 20 at 11 a.m. at First Ward Park, ending at Romare Bearden Park. Details here.
Levester Flowers left a message that Kelly Services is hiring adults for substitute teacher duty in CMS schools. Info: Flowers by e-mail or at 704-968-3391.
Mary Johnson passed along an announcement of the April 21 Pure Religion 5K. Details here.
Dena Diorio sent in her Jan. 16 Board Bulletin.
Victor Mack sent in the February newsletter from the UNCC Cato College of Education.
Victor Mack sent in a save-the-date for Feb. 15-16 state conference of the National Alliance of Black School Educators to be held at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church Conference Center, 3400 Beatties Ford Rd.
Jason Terrell sent in the Jan. 15 Profound Gentlemen newsletter.
Joyce Waddell sent in a comment about the General Assembly’s failure to provide money to help N.C. schools meet a legislatively mandated cap on K-3 classroom enrollment.
Keiba Young shared details on grants of up to $15,000 via First in Families to cover purchase of medical equipment for qualified individuals with cerebral palsy or other neuromuscular disorders.
Robin Bradford sent in an invitation to a Real Women Real Talk workshop on Saturday, Jan. 27 from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. at 2424 N. Davidson St. Tickets $33.72 here.
Jane Whitley sent in an announcement that Mayor Vi Lyles would address Democratic Women of Mecklenburg County at a new time and a one-time location, on Tuesday, Feb. 13 beginning with a 6:30 p.m. reception at Little Rock AME Zion Church, 401 N. McDowell St. Details here.