LaWana Mayfield asked for prayers for Ella Talley, and for her husband Allen Talley who has been hospitalized.
LaWana Mayfield announced some of the events of the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday, which begin Thursday, Jan. 15. Details here.
Queen Thompson announced she had copies of a Democracy North Carolina brochure that focuses on voting rights, and asked for help distributing them to churches. An online version is here.
Ty Turner announced that Young Inspiration NC, Inc. would offer free afterschool services Monday to Friday from 4:15-6:15 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m.-noon at the Military & Global Leadership Academy at Marie G. Davis, 3351 Griffith St. Services include pickup of children from other schools. Phone listed on flier is the Lewis Jacobs Memorial Christian Academy at the Rock Worship Center, 2200 West Blvd., where Erma Mason, applicant of record for the federally funded 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant, is listed as a charter member. The program has 85 students, with a capacity of more than 200, Turner said.
Pam Grundy announced that Congress appears to be ready to reauthorize No Child Left Behind, which offers an opportunity for people to let their representatives know whether they think the annual testing created by the law should be reauthorized or changed, and how Congress should direct the use of Title 1 funding.
Tommie Robinson announced that he was in an accident, but his studio “is still open to serve your art needs. I do have a Martin Luther King print if you need one.”
Mary Johnson asked for donations to cover Friendship Trays’ food costs for the Dec. 16 Christmas Party breakfast. Online donations here.
Sarah Stevenson asked for help with table sponsorships for Saturday’s free Growing the Dream Charlotte 2015 Awards luncheon, to be held Saturday, Jan. 17 from 12:30-2 p.m. in Grimes Lounge at Johnson C. Smith University immediately following the MLK Parade. Flier here. About sponsorships, call Stevenson at 704-392-9503 or Natheley McElrath at 704-598-6489. RSVP about attending the lunch by e-mail or 980-344-7239.
Sandra Clory left an announcement that she has been named facilitator of the Tai Chi Dance Workshop to be held Mondays in February and March at 3:30-5:30 p.m. at the Cornwell Center Group Exercise Room at Myers Park Baptist Church, 1900 Queens Rd. Details and registration here.
Ann Clark sent in an invitation to her CMS State of Our Schools address and event on Thursday, Jan. 29 with reception at 8 a.m. and program from 8:30-10 a.m., at East Meck High, 6800 Monroe Rd. RSVP by Jan. 26 by e-mail or by phone to Todd Kimbrell at 980-344-0403. Flier here.
Robert Dawkins sent in a link to his Agitator Radio conversation with Gerrick Brenner from Progress N.C. about the group’s ethics complaint against Gov. Pat McCrory.
Kim Roseboro sent in a flier about five upcoming events sponsored by Firm Foundations Youth & Family Outreach, Inc. Info: E-mail Roseboro.
Valaida Fullwood sent in an invitation to the free “First Look: Inside ‘The Soul of Philanthropy’ Exhibition” to be held Thursday, Jan. 15 from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Duke Endowment, 800 E. Morehead St. More on the traveling exhibit is here.
Sylvia Grier sent in an announcement of “Funding 101: The Board of Directors,” a workshop for people preparing for summer programming, to be held Saturday, Jan. 17, from 8:30 a.m.-noon at 5104 Reagan Dr. Suite 5. Details here.
Sylvia Grier sent in a flier for a pubic service leadership academy available free to women interested in running for public office, sponsored by the Knightdale-Wake Forest chapter of Delta Sigma Theta.
Jane Whitley sent in an announcement of a meeting of Democratic Women of Mecklenburg County on Wednesday, Jan. 14 at 6:30 p.m. at the Asian Library, 1339 Baxter St. Details here.