New meeting place Tuesday: The Belmont Regional Center, 700 Parkwood Ave. near North Davidson Street just north of uptown.
Next week: Chief Public Defender Kevin Tully; and OneMeck on school assignment: Barry Sherman, Carol Sawyer, Rosalyn Allison-Jacobs, Kalya Romero, Justin Perry.
Larken Egleston announced that Young Democrats would meet on Tuesday, Jan. 19 at 6:30 p.m. at the Asian Library, 1339 Baxter St. “You don’t have to be young….”
Ty Turner announced that the Mayor’s Mentoring Alliance will hold a free awards ceremony on Friday, Jan. 29 at 6 p.m. at ImaginOn, 300 E. 7th St. Register here. Questions: Angela Caffee at 704-336-2928 or by e-mail.
Marcus Bass announced that Democracy North Carolina had distributed a brochure focused on new voting rules that, in some circumstances, will allow voters to bypass voter ID requirements.
Joyce Waddell announced she needs volunteers to work polling places during the March 15 primary. Online sign-up.
Nakisha Glover announced that she and Vakala would pilot a new group “to take action beyond the conversation” on the third Tuesdays of the month. She called the project “an extension of what we already do in this room.” First event is titled “The Torch: What is it? Who has it? How is it being passed?” and will be held Jan. 19 from 6-8 p.m. at BluNotes, 3425 David Cox Rd.
Elana Congress that the Obamacare open enrollment period ends Sunday, Jan. 31. Website here identifies where to get help by ZIP code.
Blanche Penn invited Forum participants to attend the Black History programs at the Wallace Pruitt Recreation Center, 440 Wesley Heights Way, on Feb. 9-11, featuring a presentation on the Underground Railroad.
Nasif Majeed announced the location of his Senate 40 campaign website.
Brenda Robinson announced that Aviation Camps of the Carolinas would host the Traveling Space Museum on April 1-2 at two area airports. Info here. Museum website. She said she would need help and will be hiring.
Sherri Moore announced that West Mecklenburg High School is looking for advisory board members for its Career and Technical Education Academy, focusing on hospitality and tourism, and business entrepreneurship. A meeting is planned March 1. Questions: E-mail Moore. Partially built website here.
Carlenia Ivory announced the free Growing the Dream recognition luncheon to be held Saturday, Jan. 16 at 1 p.m. at Johnson C. Smith University, 100 Beatties Ford Rd. Eight seats are available. To be awarded this year for the first time: the Stevenson-Leake Award.
Gyasi Foluke announced that he would like to hear by e-mail or at 704-391-5582 from organizations interested in hearing from a committee that has developed nine education reforms so CMS “will do a better job of educating African-American children.”
Sylvia Grier sent in instructions on how to hear Maria Macon’s show on WGIV.
Sharon Holm sent in an announcement of the community opening of “Dance Theatre of Harlem: 40 Years of Firsts” at the Gantt Center on Saturday, Jan. 23 at 10 a.m. Details here.
Rashad Phillips sent in an announcement of “Honoring Dr. King’s Legacy with Anthony Browder. Music by Shableek” on Monday, Jan. 18 at 2 p.m. at Crossroads Charter High School, 5500 N. Tryon St. Free but $10 suggested donation. Info: Tina Knox by e-mail.
Jackie Edwards Walton sent in an announcement of a healthcare disparities discussion sponsored by the Charlotte Post Foundation on Tuesday, Jan. 26 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Greater Mt. Moriah Primitive Baptist Church, 727 W. Trade St. Online neighborhood survey here.
Dee Jones sent in an announcement of a kickoff reception for County Commissioner Trevor Fuller’s re-election campaign on Monday, Jan. 25 at 6:30 p.m. at Jackaloupe Jacks, 1936 E. 7th St.
Betty Howell Gray sent in an announcement of a community meeting in connection with the second annual Leadership Conference for Black Males & Educators, the community meeting to be held Thursday, Feb. 11 from 5-8 p.m. at UNCC Center City Building. Letter here. Registration form here.
Victor Mack announced that UNCC and Read Charlotte would host a presentation by Dr. Rollanda O’Connor of University of California Riverside on Monday, Jan. 25 at 10 a.m. in Cone Center Lucas Room at the UNCC campus. Free but RSVP required. Details here.
Victor Mack announced the 2nd annual Boldly Engaging Students through Culturally-Relevant Teaching conference on Friday, Jan. 29 from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. at the UNCC Center City Building, 320 E. 9th St. Keynoter is Dr. Alfred Tatum, dean of the College of Education at University of Illinois at Chicago. Registration details here. Flier here.
Shawn Greeson sent in Mecklenburg legislators’ scores on the N.C. League of Conservation Voters’ 2015 environmental vote rankings. List here. League’s website here. Full 38-page PDF here.
Rob Hillman sent in an announcement that participants and volunteers are needed for the free First Tech Challenge Qualifier for area youth robotics teams on Saturday, Jan. 16 from 8:30-5 p.m. at ImaginOn Theatre, 300 E. 7th St. Flier here. Press release here. Volunteer protocol here. Volunteer opportunities here.
Sylvia Grier sent in an update on the Charlotte Checkers fundraising game on Jan. 17, with proceeds going to area mental health organizations. Details here. Flier here.
Rita Miles sent in an announcement of a model call for teens, adults and children 5 and older, at Paul Mitchell School, 1516 Elizabeth Ave. Details here.
Nakisa Glover sent in an announcement that the North Carolina League of Conservation Voters will hear from U.S. Rep. Alma Adams during a community meeting on climate change on Tuesday, Jan. 19 at 11 a.m. at the Stratford Richardson YMCA, 1946 West Blvd. Lunch provided. RSVP required by e-mail or 704-968-0413.
Alma Adams sent in an “update on the State of North Carolina’s 12th Congressional District.”
LaWana Mayfield’s newsletter includes a schedule of MLK holiday events.
Azizi Coleman sent in the January-February newsletter of the Piedmont Health Services and Sickle Cell Agency.