Next week: Christmas Party. Bring unwrapped gifts for Take A Gift game. Breakfast for $5 donation catered by Friendship Trays. Carlenia Ivory invited people to bring a donation for “someone who is very special.”
LaWana Mayfield announced details of the 2015 MLK Weekend celebration: grand marshal is Warren Scott, grandson of NASCAR owner/driver Wendell Scott, who will be inducted into the NASCAR Hall of Fame Jan. 30; Thursday, Jan. 15, wreath-laying at King statue in Marshall Park, noon; Saturday, parade followed by Growing the Dream event at Johnson C. Smith University; and at some point during the weekend, a fund-raiser for the Scott Foundation.
Sheila Peltzer announced a web link to an audio show on “The Men’s Vue & Chloe Too” “about our effort to keep more fathers in kids’ lives by making ‘rebuttable presumed shared parenting’ the standard in NC family law.”
Laura McClettie announced that employed persons who make more than $11,670, who face a $325 fine next year if they do not have health insurance, can come to C.W. Williams Community Health Center for assistance signing up for health insurance. Hours are Monday and Wednesdays from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and Thursdays from 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
Tommie Robinson announced that he paints murals, that Wendell Scott needs to be the subject of one, and that viewers of such a mural would “really know who he is.”
Ken Koontz challenged LaWana Mayfield, next year’s chair of the Martin Luther King Celebration, to name those who chaired, produced and spoke at the city’s first such event. (Answers: Sarah Stevenson, Ken Koontz and the late U.S. Rep. Shirley Chisholm.)
Nelson Adesegha announced that C.W. Williams Community Health Center filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection about two weeks ago but remains open and plans to expand back to five-day-a-week operations in January. His full comments are here.
Greg Phipps announced that as a result of meetings he and Al Austin had last summer with neighborhoods near the airport, the FAA has scheduled two workshops to discuss noise issues: Tuesday, Dec. 9 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at West Mecklenburg High, and Wednesday, Dec. 10 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at Olympic High.
Bobbie Parks announced that Mecklenburg Senior Democrats would hold a meeting on Friday, Dec. 12 at 11:30 a.m. at 5700 Executive Center Drive Room 206.
Malachi Greene rose to honor Nasif Majeed, “first black B-52 squadron commander in the history of the United States.”
Ty Turner announced a die-in, a silent, peaceful protest at The Square at Trade and Tryon Streets at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 9, called by “the collective millennial leaders.” “Please take the time to come out and hear our concerns; that’s all we ask for…. Charlotte’s been too quiet. At the end of the day the whole nation is continuing to rise up while Charlotte is sleeping. We’re going to move forward.” A photograph of the event was distributed by Robert Dawkins.
The Black Political Caucus sent in a flier for its Chair’s Open House on Sunday, Dec. 21 from 6-10 p.m. at The Morehead Inn, 1122 E. Morehead St. Details here.
Greg Schermbeck sent in an announcement that the Council for Children’s Rights has installed at its website a locator map for out-of-school programs. Elsewhere on the site is a calendar of upcoming trainings for out-of-school program providers.
Barbara Ratliff sent in an announcement of an event to honor Kim Ratliff, who recently left an at-large seat on the Board of County Commissioners. Event is Sunday, Dec. 14 at 10 a.m. worship service at St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church, 1600 Norris Ave., with reception to follow.
Greg Schermbeck sent in an announcement that the Council for Children’s Rights had cancelled the Dec. 12 screening of Spiral Bound, and will reschedule a showing of the film for a date next spring.
Jane Whitley sent in an announcement that The Democratic Women of Mecklenburg County would hold a Holiday Party on Thursday, Dec. 11 from 6-9 p.m. at the Palmer Building, 2601 E. 7th St. Details here.
Faith Triggs sent in a link to a July 30 Washington Post story, “Why Smart, Poor Kids Lied About College,” which explores “why some financially disadvantaged students who are accepted to college do not attend.” Triggs took exception to the word “lie” in the headline, but said “some of the analysis is very thought-provoking.”
David R. Taylor sent in a note thanking supporters for 700 in attendance and $300,000 raised at Saturday’s Jazzy Holiday Gala at the Harvey B. Gantt Center for African-American Arts+Culture.
Charles Vakala sent in an announcement of a “121314 Sovereignty Seeds & Stars” event on Saturday, 12-13-14, from noon-4 p.m. at Cosmos Cafe, 300 N. College St. Fee $10. Details here.
Sylvia Grier sent in an announcement that the Oasis Performing Arts School Eagle’s Booster Club would hold a toys for tots registration ending Friday, Dec. 12 for children 0-14, at 512 West Blvd. Toy pick-up is Dec. 20. Registration and pick-up will require showing child’s Social Security card. Details here.