Natheley McErath announced the Dec. 13 Christmas Party of games and song. “We will have nothing learned next week.” Breakfast from Friendship Trays; donation of $5 requested.
Carlenia Ivory announced that Sarah Stevenson was honored Saturday at the Gantt Center’s Jazzy Holiday Gala. Ivory said Stevenson’s fund-raising plea wrapping up the banquet will “allow us to provide children memberships to the Gantt Center.”
Carlenia Ivory announced that she would collect a love offering for Sarah Stevenson at the Dec. 13 Christmas Party.
Joel Ford sent in an announcement that he was “forming an exploratory committee to consider challenging Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts in the 2017 city-wide election.”
Justin Harlow sent in an announcement of a meeting about the future of Bruns Academy on Monday, Dec. 12 at the Mecklenburg County Bar Association building, 2850 Zebulon Ave. Neighborhood pot luck at 6 p.m., meeting at 6:30 with “west side residents featuring Superintendent Ann Clark and District 2 rep Thelma Byers-Bailey concerning the future of Bruns Academy, its new School Improvement Grant, a CMS School Board update concerning magnet priority linked to SES, and how joint efforts of community members at the new PTA look to change the narrative at Bruns.” Flier here.
April Barnes sent in an announcment that PACE of the Southern Piedmont will hold an open house on Tuesday, Dec. 13, from 10 a.m.-noon at 6133 The Plaza. Flier here. RSVP by e-mail or phone 704-617-7502.
Dena Diorio sent in her Dec. 5 Board Bulletin.
Carla Cunningham sent in an announcement of a Christmas Dinner for Seniors living at five Housing Authority sites, the dinner served on Saturday, Dec. 10 from 1-4 p.m. at TCB 5400 Bar & Grill, 5400 Nevins Rd. Food donations needed by Dec. 9. Details here.
Shawn Greeson sent in an announcement of a coalition of regional American Indian activists to oppose construction of a pipeline by Atlantic, a company formed by Duke Energy, Piedmont Natural Gas, Dominion & AGL Resources. Projected path, with counties containing N.C. American Indian communities marked in color, shown on this map. Info: Greeson by e-mail.
Kim Roseboro sent in an announcement of a recruitment meeting for adult male volunteers willing to mentor middle and high school boys, either through one-on-one sessions or at group sessions held biweekly on Saturdays from 10:30-12:30. Interest meeting is Monday, Dec. 12 from 7-8 p.m. at The Rock of the Kingdom Ministries, 1326 Prince Hall, Building 2, Room B6. Info Roseboro by e-mail or 980-202-1772.
Colette Forrest sent in an announcement of the Black Political Caucus Chair’s Open House to be held on Sunday, Dec. 18 at 6 p.m. at the Kappa House, 5409 Beatties Ford Rd. Details here.
Paula Brown sent in an announcement that Phillip O. Berry High School needs proctors for end-of-semester testing for 7-11:30 a.m. slots on any of four days, Tuesday, Jan. 17 through Friday, Jan. 20. To volunteer, contact Paula Brown by e-mail or 980-343-5992.