STAYING VIRTUAL: Forum facilitators decided on Dec. 21 to keep Forum meetings in virtual format until further notice, on account of the rapid spread of COVID-19 Omicron. The next Forum will be Jan. 4. Be there, virtually of course, for a special treat!
E-blast change ahead: A small change will occur with these e-blasts beginning with the edition of Jan. 4: Renamed “Update” or some such, the e-blast will include a short report from the Forum presentation and Q&A of the day; a link to the video of the meeting; a “The Week That Was” section that will include notes and links to any material archived on the Forum website since the previous e-blast; and, of course, the Announcements. The changes should provide easier access to Forum materials for those who receive the e-blasts but do not regularly visit the website.
Elloree Erwin wrote: “Thanks for all you all do. MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR to all. From Sarah Mingo Stevenson & Elloree Mingo Erwin.”
Sylvia Grier passed along a job posting for a two-day-a-week job working security at Hope Haven.
Upcoming Events
Jan. 10-14: Weatherization program application event. Details in flier.
Jan. 20: Mayor’s Mentoring Alliance Awards ceremony, evening.
Jan. 27: U.S. Rep. Alma Adams’ State of the District address, 7 p.m.
Feb. 5: Black Political Caucus Annual Fundraising Gala, 6 p.m.
July 18-23: Diamond Tours trip with Dr. Blanche Penn to the Gulf Coast for casino attractions.
Sept. 12-16: Diamond Tours trip with Dr. Blanche Penn to Cincinnati for Ark Encounter, Creation Museum, National Underground Railroad Freedom Center – and a casino.
News & Handouts
Alma Adams 12-22
C.W. Williams Community Health Center 12-22
MeckEd 12-23
New Rural Project 12-22
Partners for Parks 12-23
Weaponized Women 12-22