Coming up at the Forum: Dec. 9, Issues raised by Beatties Ford Road median; Dec. 16: Christmas party. Natheley McElrath asked all to bring unwrapped gifts on Dec. 16 for the Take a Gift game.
Melanie Brown, testing coordinator for West Charlotte High School, handed out this flier. in an appeal for testing proctors in January and May/June.
Rashad Phillips announced a food drive focused on homeless children at Thomasboro Elementary. Details here.
Rashad Phillips announced a “Mastermind Seminar” at 3 p.m. on Jan. 10 at the Dupp & Swat studio, 2424 N. Davidson St. Flier here. Among the event topics: advice on how to interact with the police. Phillips said that to spur participation, the person bringing the largest number of persons age 15 or over would receive a $100 gift card.
John Powell announced that he would be a candidate next year for an at-large seat on Charlotte City Council.
Charles Vakala announced a day party on Saturday, 12-13-14, from noon-4 p.m. at Cosmos Cafe, 300 N. College St. Fee $10. From the Eventbrite listing: “It’s a $10 day party with a theme!… Sovereignty: Seeds & Stars; a royal experience exploring the concept of legacy…. Premium hip hop flavored with international appeal spun by DJ Steel Will and guests. Network with other engaging professionals motivated in spirit and drive to hustle and more than survive. Link for personal and business connections to restore legacy.… Our initiates have adopted 3Seeds that will ensure we cast 5stars. We will put it out into the cosmos that we are the generation that seeks to realize a new tradition of excellence that amounts to restoration of legacy.”
Rashad Phillips announced that the Kwanzaa Committee would hold free workshops, first on celebrating Kwanzaa at home, to be held this Saturday, Dec. 6 at 11 a.m. at the Beatties Ford Road branch library, 2412 Beatties Ford Rd.; then on the history of Kwanzaa on Dec. 9 at 6 p.m. at the library. Register for the Saturday program or Tuesday program. Flier here. Info here.
Robert Dawkins sent in a link to his Agitator Radio conversation with Jim Duffet about the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid Expansion.
Robert Dawkins sent in details about the Dec. 8 City Council meeting where members may consider how to proceed with a proposed racial profiling/civil liberties ordinance. Details here.
Sylvia Grier sent in an announcement about the free Project 10 Kids Challenge fitness, nutrition and exercise program. Details here.