Tuesday: Forum Christmas Party, 8:30 a.m. in the Ivory Baker Rec Center gym, with breakfast catered by Friendship Trays. Bring an unwrapped gift for the Take a Gift game, “something Aunt Suzie gave you that you never liked. You can tell her you donated it to a charity.”
Larken Egleston sent in an announcement that the Young Democrats of Mecklenburg County will hold their annual holiday party on Tuesday, Dec. 15 at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Senator Jeff Jackson. Visit Facebook for more details.
Tari Cottman sent word that Saturday, Dec. 19 will be the last day of operations at West Charlotte Recreation Center before the center finally closes for long-delayed renovations. A previously scheduled holiday event scheduled for Dec. 23 will proceed as scheduled.
Dr. Daisy Walker sent in a flier asking for proctors and detailing tentative proctor training dates in January. Proctors will be needed during end-of-course and final exams at West Charlotte High School.
Sharon Holm sent in a thank-you, report, and pictures from the Dec. 5 Jazzy Annual Holiday Gala, which was attended by 700 people and raised $500,000 for the Gantt Center.