Upcoming events
Aug. 29: Candidate Donald Cureton fundraiser.
Aug. 30: Black Women’s Caucus Kitchen Konversations, 6 p.m. Flier here.
Aug. 30: Reversing Runaway Inequality training, 5:30-8 p.m.
Aug. 30: Community forum on police relationships in communities of color, 6-8 p.m., Mayfield Memorial Missionary Baptist Church, 700 W. Sugar Creek Rd.
Sept. 4: Bilingual/multicultural preschool opens at Central United Methodist Church.
Sept. 5: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
Sept. 6: City housing locational policy community engagement meeting, 6:30 p.m.
Sept. 6: Reversing Runaway Inequality training 5:30-8 p.m.
Sept 7-8: Gantt Center season openers. RSVP for Friday and Saturday.
Sept. 8: Sickle Cell Run/Walk and Glo Ride. Register here.
Sept. 8: My Brother’s Keeper event.
Sept. 11: City housing locational policy community engagement meeting, 6:30 p.m.
Sept. 15: Maximizing Potential conference for parents of gifted students.
Sept. 15: My Sister’s Keeper Awards Luncheon.
Sept. 15: City Startup Labs reunion and 5th anniversary celebration.
Sept. 19: Suicide prevention and mental health awareness panel and resource fair.
Sept. 20: League of Women Voters Candidates’ Forum.
Sept. 21: Sickle Cell Gala.
Sept. 22: Birthday Drop-in for Ken Koontz’s 70th, East Stonewall AME Zion Church Fellowship Hall, 1729 Griers Grove Rd.
Sept. 24: Civics 101 on city government.
Sept. 25: Candidate forum, 6 p.m., Trinity Episcopal School, 750 E.9th. St.
Sept 25: UNCC Personally Speaking series: David Goldfield.
Sept. 25: League of Women Voters Candidates’ Forum.
Oct. 2: Civics 101 on courts.
Oct. 4: League of Women Voters Candidates’ Forum.
Oct. 6: Adams Madhatter’s Luncheon & Hat Auction.
Sept. 13: Groundbreaking for Eastway Regional Recreation Center, 10 a.m.
Oct. 9: Civics 101 on CMS Board of Education.
Oct. 10: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
Oct. 16: Civics 101 on county government.
Oct. 20: My Brother’s Keeper event.
Oct. 23: Civics 101 graduation and meet the press.
Oct. 31: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
Nov 1: UNCC Personally Speaking series: Mary Layton Atkinson.
Dec. 5: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
Dec. 8: My Brother’s Keeper event.
Jan. 9: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
Jan. 31-Feb. 2: My Brother’s Keeper event.
Feb. 6: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
Feb. 22: Justice Initiatives summit on raise the age. Register here.
March 6: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
April 3: MeckEd professional development. Fee $30.
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