Sylvia Grier passed along information on how low-income homeowners 65 and over or totally or permanently disabled can apply for reduction of some portion of their annual property tax. Application deadlines June 1 and Jan. 1. Flier here. Website here.
Upcoming Events
April 27: Leading on Opportunity community meeting seeking input on “how we should prioritize addressing specific factors to lift families and children out of poverty”, 7-8:30 p.m., First Baptist West Church, 1801 Oaklawn Ave.
April 30: Alliance Center for Education (former Bethlehem Center) “Community and Health Affair,” 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Camp Greene Park, 1221 Alleghany St. Flier here. More info here.
April 30: Black Political Caucus Annual Fundraising Gala, NOTE: Tickets sold out. There will be opportunities to purchase ad space for the program book. Send an email to [email protected].
More detail here.
April 30: “The God Who Sees: Immigrants, the Bible and the Journey to Belong” with Rev. Karen J. González, 6 p.m., St. John’s Baptist, 300 Hawthorne Ln. Tickets $10 here.
May 2: Virtual training on infectious disease prevention and control, focused on COVID-19, free, virtual, 12:50-3 p.m. Info and registration here.
May 2: Leading on Opportunity community meeting seeking input on “how we should prioritize addressing specific factors to lift families and children out of poverty”, 6-8 p.m., Aldersgate (Fellowship Hall), 3800 Shamrock Dr.
May 3: Leading on Opportunity community meeting seeking input on “how we should prioritize addressing specific factors to lift families and children out of poverty”, 6-8 p.m., StoneBridge Community Church, 3700 Prosperity Church Rd.
May 7: C.H.A.I.N. Fund fundraiser breakfast and movie to support cancer treatments, 10 a.m., AMC Northlake 14, 7325 Northlake Mall Dr. Tickets here. Fliers here and here.
May 16: Leading on Opportunity community meeting seeking input on “how we should prioritize addressing specific factors to lift families and children out of poverty”, 6-8 p.m., Queens University Sports Complex, 2229 Tyvola Rd.
May 17: Virtual training on infectious disease prevention and control, focused on COVID-19, free, virtual, 8:50-11 a.m. Info and registration here.
May 23: MeckDems Unity in 2022 event, 6-8 p.m. Heist Brewery, 1030 Woodward Ave. Tickets $50-$1,000 here.
May 25: Loaves & Fishes/Friendship Trays 2022 Luncheon of Hope, 11:30 a.m., The Fillmore, 820 Hamilton St. Tickets $25 and info here.
May 31: League of Women Voters Book Club, 7 p.m., virtual. Info and registration here.
June 23-26: MeckMIN Summer Interfaith Youth Camp for those 10th-12th grade. Register here.
July 18-23: Diamond Tours trip with Dr. Blanche Penn to the Gulf Coast for casino attractions.
Sept. 12-16: Diamond Tours trip with Dr. Blanche Penn to Cincinnati for Ark Encounter, Creation Museum, National Underground Railroad Freedom Center – and a casino.
News & Handouts
Tricia Cotham 4-22
Renee Perkins Johnson 4-25
Charlotte Housing & Neighborhood Services 4-22
Goodwill Industries 4-20
Mayor’s Mentoring Alliance 4-26
NC Administrative Office of the Courts 4-25
New Rural Project 4-21
Obama Foundation 4-23
Partners for Parks 4-26
UNCC Urban Institute 4-21