Next week: Todd Tibbits, YMCA Greater Charlotte.
West Charlotte Recreation Center holds a re-dedication following completion of the building’s renovation, the event to be held Wednesday, April 12 at 10 a.m. at the center, 2401 Kendall Drive.
Larken Egleston announced that Mecklenburg Young Democrats will meet Tuesday, April 18 at 6:30 p.m. at VBGB, 920 Hamilton St.
LaWana Mayfield announced a City program to assist homeowners near Bryant Park to renovate their older homes. Video here.
Victor Mack announced a “Moving the Dial” conference on “collaborating for the inclusion of all children” on April 21-22 at the UNCC Center City Building. Register here.
Gary Young announced that the Black Chamber of Commerce will hold its first Empowerment Saturday panel discussion exploring legal, real estate, tax and investment issues, on Saturday, April 22 from 9-11 a.m. Fee $10-$15. Details here. Register here.
Madeline McClenney-Sadler announced a conference for formerly incarcerated people on Saturday, May 20 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at Freedom Park. Flier here. Website here.
Peter Noris announced an Indivisible Rally on Thursday, April 13 at noon at U.S. Rep. Pittinger’s office, 5970 Fairview Rd. Flier here.
Tommie Robinson announced that all of his old art prints will be available for sale by Tony Feimster on Saturdays at Mosaic Village, 1601 W. Trade St.
Eric Erickson announced he was a candidate for City Council District 2. Video here.
Greg Phipps announced that the City Council finance committee will have its final budget workshop on Wednesday, April 12 and that the city manager will release his proposed budget May 1.
Bobbie Parks announced that Mecklenburg Senior Democrats will meet on Friday, April 14 at noon at 5700 Executive Center Dr., Room 206.
Hattie Bonds announced a national gentrification convention in Detroit June 27-July 3 sponsored by the Million Woman March.
Jade Jackson announced that Darrell Bonapart is a candidate for Charlotte City Council District 5.
Nakisa Glover announced a March for Science in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, April 22, and a People’s Climate March to be held Saturday, April 29 in Washington to mark the 100th day of President Trump’s administration. Buses to the April 29 event planned by Clean Air Carolina and Sierra Club.
Cozzie Watkins announced that the 12th District Democratic Convention will be held May 20 at Little Rock AME Zion Church.
Nancy Carter announced an “Easing into Retirement” conference on Tuesday, April 25 from 11 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center, 5007 Providence Rd. Free lunch.
J’Tanya Adams announced a film screening and discussion of “Dog Parks & Coffee Shops” on Saturday, April 22 at 10 a.m. at Johnson C. Smith University’s Science Center, 100 Beatties Ford Road; and a gentrification corridor solutions session on Sunday, April 23 from 5 p.m. at Clinton Chapel AME Zion Church, 1901 Rozzelles Ferry Rd. Flier here.
Carlenia Ivory announced for Thelma Byers-Bailey a 6-3 CMS school boad vote to approve adding new buildings for West Charlotte High and Bruns Avenue Elementary, and that Byes-Bailey asked for support for the upcoming November bond issue that would finance those and other projects.
Levester Flowers left an announcement that the Democratic Party’s African-American Caucus will meet Thursday, April 27 at 6:30 p.m. at party headquarters, 5700 Executive Center Dr., Room 206.
Justin Harlow sent in an announcement that he was a candidate for Charlotte City Council District 2. Details here.
Bruce Jenkins sent in an announcement inviting all to Easter service and an Easter egg hunt following the 10:45 a.m. Easter service on Sunday, April 16 at the Chapel of Christ the King, 1425 E. 17th St. in Optimist Park, five blocks from Belmont Center.
Dena Diorio sent in her April 10 Board Bulletin.
Joyce Waddell sent in her April 10 Waddell Weekly Report.
Mary Klenz sent in an announcement of a Police Foundation listening session on Wednesday, April 12 from 6-8 the Palmer Building, 2601 E. 7th St. Fliers in English and Spanish.
Nakisa Glover sent in an invitation to a screening of the National Geographic documentary film “LA 92” about the Rodney King trial and subsequent events. Screening on Sunday, April 23 at 3 p.m. Info on location after registering here. Trailer here.