June 11, 2024
“Open Forum” has come to mean something special.
Anyone wishing to speak is invited to present an issue of public policy that they thinks merits more discussion – or action. The Forum’s rules of decorum (no debate; no speaking out of turn; etc.) are relaxed a bit to encourage discussion – and candor.
Or, as some put it, truth-telling. Tuesday’s Forum heard from a number of truth-tellers.
Topics ranged from a need for businesses to step up to finance more homes for the homeless, to schools where children are not learning, to how to ensure that minority contractors are successful wading through the labyrinth of rules governing public contracting to, well, something as nominally simple as marking the edge of state-maintained roads with white paint.
At-large Charlotte City Council member James Mitchell reported one emerging success: He said city and county were about to sign an agreement to fix state roads within the city and then paint the white lines marking the edge of the pavement. You’re not the only one we’ve heard from, Mitchell said to Natheley McElrath, who for months has been raising the issue with numerous Forum presenters. McElrath says many elderly can’t safely drive at night on unstriped state roads that do not have working street lights.
In the video below, the names of speakers are noted.
During his presentation, Mitchell distributed copies the portion of Monday’s council agenda that outlines the 2025 operating budget and 025-29 capital investment plan; and a staff presentation on the timeline leading to a June 24 vote on the Bank of America stadium renovation plan.