By Elloree Erwin
Sarah will be 95 on Monday, Oct. 26. We’d like to give her a SURPRISE DRIVE-BY BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION.
We will start at 11 a. m. at University Place Nursing and Rehabilitation Center at 9200 Glenwater Drive in the University City area of Charlotte. Driving directions will follow after we get the number of vehicles participating. To get this, we’d like to get an answer from everyone no later than Monday, Oct. 19. This address is off Doug Mayes Drive in front of the Masonic Temple.
Please e-mail me to confirm that you’ll be in line.
We’d like to ask everyone to have something Purple on your vehicle – a balloon, crepe paper, etc, along with your name on the driver’s side of your vehicle. Print your name in three-inch or taller letters.
We will send driving directions when we coordinate with police and sheriff’s departments in the area for traffic control.
Due to the current virus situation, we can only see her in a window. She cannot be brought outside. We’ll keep the traffic moving slowly so everyone can see each other.
Please feel free to call me if more information is needed before you can make a decision.
Elloree Erwin
Elloree Erwin is Sarah Stevenson’s younger sister.