June 18, 2019
The developer chosen by the city to repurpose the 70-acre site of a demolished east Charlotte shopping mall is facing the existential threats to a unified vision:
Folks far away want a high-end destination. Folks nearby want a support system for their challenging lives without ripping the economic vitality out of the rest of the Central Avenue corridor. Crosland Southeast will try to thread that needle.
DeAlva Wilson brought Tim Sittema and Peter B. Pappas, Crosland Southeast’s two managing partners, by for discussion as the team continues a blitz of community meetings. When the questions started flying, they got help from Charlotte City Councill members James Mitchell and Matt Newton.
Sittema suggested that construction might begin in the third quarter of 2020.
In the video below, the initial presentations begin at minute 6: 25. The Q&A begins at minute 38:05.