March 19, 2019
Debbie Gibbs said she was unaware at the time that she was a first – the first African American woman to join the reporting staff at local TV station WBTV. “Nobody told me.”
Years later now, Gibbs knows a thing or three about local journalism, and about its importance in creating awareness of community issues. As news outlets melt down before our eyes on a nearly daily basis, Gibbs urged her audience to give news outlets feedback on what they are doing – the good stuff that viewers and readers like, as well as the stupid stuff. Gibbs was particularly scornful of slapping labels of “Breaking News” on fender-benders and weather events.
Tonya Rivens joined Gibbs at the speaker’s table. Rivens has had careers in airlines management, radio and TV and is currently on the Mecklenburg sheriff’s communications staff.
In the video below, the presentation begin at minute 14:00. The Q&A begins at minute 54:30.