June 2, 2015
Five officers of three area units of the Democratic Party gathered for an update Tuesday.
Participants included: From the Mecklenburg party: Matt Newton, chair; Toria Boldware, 1st vice chair; and Ron Berry, 2nd vice chair. From the 12th District party: Cozzie Watkins, chair. And from the 9th District party: Zach Deaton, chair.
Below in four videos are the presentations, the Q&A that followed, and short concluding remarks from each of the speakers.
Q: What will the party do to let the community know who the candidates are?
Q: Most blacks I know don’t vote. What are you doing to attract voters to the polls?
Q: During voting for chair, delegates said you hadn’t voted in years. What do you say? What will you do to engage younger voters?
Q: Could you detail what parts of the voter ID law go into effect in 2015, and then 2016?
Q: What is your 5-year plan to bolster the economic strength of the party so you can help candidates?
Q: When is the Democratic Party going to get some backbone so some of us can come back to the party?
Q: How will you educate voters, not only about candidates, but on the issues and the importance of participation?
Q: When are we going to have the Republicans outline their strategy here at the Forum?
Comment from the floor: People we want to start voting won’t come to precinct events as now envisioned.
Comment from the floor: Hold some fund-raisers in the $10 to $25 range. Many people can’t afford $100.
Q: The party should not be culling candidates before the primary, playing favorites.
Q: Is there any approved voter ID that you can get by mail?
Q: I don’t see much difference between Republican and Democratic officeholders. What do you see as the difference?
Q: We’re importing a lot, and exporting our jobs. What can you do to reverse that?
Q: The party needs new ways to help young people reinvent themselves so they can get jobs they’re now blocked from.
Q: Are you prepared to deal with the racism in this country?
Q: Does the 12th District party or the Mecklenburg party have a position on toll roads?
Q: Does the party need a platform of issues that candidates would subscribe to? We’re not holding elected officials accountable.