Sept. 3, 2013
The Observer’s Jim Morrill covered the event. His website story was headlined “Differences emerge in Charlotte mayoral forum.” A picture of the story from the Observer, headlined “Mayoral hopefuls’ differences show,” is below the videos on this page.
Introductory comments
Q1: Are you willing to stand up against Gov. Pat McCrory over his regressive policies?
Q2: To James Mitchell: In 14 years, you’ve never attended the Forum except at election time. Why?
Q3: The city helped fund Grameen Bank. Yet, I was told my loan was denied because I am male.
Q4: Cincinnatus left his fields for Rome’s wars, then resumed farming. When is it your time to go home?
Q5: In the event you lose, will you stay involved, or will you just fade away?
Q6: Will you support child custody reform to keep both parents involved in their children’s lives unless there’s proven abuse or neglect?