Tuesday Morning

Breakfast Forum
Charlotte, NC


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Partners in encouraging local food production



June 1, 2010

Friendship Trays Executive Director and longtime Forum participant Lucy Bush Carter, center, was the speaker, but Tuesday's Forum was a joint briefing by a number of partners in encouraging gardening, gardens and local food production. Speakers were, from left: Rich Deming, Slow Food Charlotte advocate and alternative energy consultant; Sibyl Durant, Friendship Trays Kitchen Manager and graduate of the Culinary School of Charlotte that is cultivating and harvesting the Friendship Garden; Henry Owen, Friendship Trays Gardening Coordinator; Carter; Thom Duncan, Slow Foods Charlotte advocate; and Nadine Food, Mecklenburg County Wipe Out Waste official who has led composting classes with Owen at the Culinary School.


The video below, shown before and after the Forum, shows pictures of the Friendship Garden on Distribution Street, which was built in 2009 by Slow Food Charlotte and Friendship Trays volunteers. For more information on the partnership and the Friendship Garden, click here.






In their own words


Lucy Bush Carter's introductory comments.


Henry Owen on overall strategy to grow food for Friendship Trays meals.


Rich Deming on water collection system built in the Friendship Garden.


Thom Duncan on Slow Food Charlotte role in partnership.


Sibyl Durant on how composting has changed the Friendship Trays kitchen.


Thom Duncan on grant application that led to $70,000 grant from Women's Impact Fund to expand network of gardens.


Nadine Ford on composting and Mecklenburg County's interest in decreasing landfill stream.


Lucy Bush Carter's summary comments.



The Forum welcomes all persons to its meetings beginning at 8 a.m. most Tuesdays of the year
at the West Charlotte Recreation Center, 2222 Kendall Drive, Charlotte, NC
down the hill from West Charlotte High School.