Tuesday Morning

Breakfast Forum
Charlotte, NC


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� Photographed from video presentation, Aug. 24, 2010

Kenneth SimmonsKen Simmons, education chair of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg branch of the NAACP, presented the schema above on Tuesday, Aug. 24, 2010, during a progress report on the education committee's work this year to identify how it would revive the NAACP's work on school issues.

Simmons said the committee contemplates raising money to provide stipends to retired educators who would make two-day annual visits to each school in the largely high-poverty Central Zone of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. The former educators would rate each school in the 12 areas outlined, then produce a 1-to-4 school score, similar to the scores used in student testing.

At the conclusion of Tuesday's Forum, leader Sarah Stevenson announced that the Aug. 31 Forum would continue the discussion of K-12 school issues, and that she would put together a panel of representatives of other organizations working on various aspects of K-12 education reform.

The Aug. 31 Forum will begin at 8:30 a.m. at its usual meeting place, the West Charlotte Recreation Center, just down the hill from West Charlotte High School.



The Forum welcomes all persons to its meetings beginning at 8:30 a.m. most Tuesdays
of the year at the West Charlotte Recreation Center, 2222 Kendall Drive, Charlotte, NC
down the hill from West Charlotte High School.